
Welcome to the Registration page for the
SING! Wellington 2024 BHNZ
National Barbershop Convention

Friday 27th September - Sunday 29th September 2024

Registration is now closed

All registrations include
  • Admission to all contest sessions, including all rounds of the quartet and chorus contests
  • Admission to the convention opening ceremony
  • Admission to the Saturday evening concert featuring the champion quartets and choruses
Note: There is no reserved seating to any event.
Sunday Lunch
  • The Sunday Lunch will be held at the James Cook Hotel. Bookings for lunch are now also closed.
  • Detais of the venue location and the lunch menu are here
Merchandise purchases are now also closed.
Casual Attendance
Day Pass tickets to individual contest sessions (e.g. Quartet Contest/Finals) can be purchased on the day at the St James Ticketmaster. Desk, or purchased online in advance via Ticketmaster. Details here.

Saturday Evening Concert
Admission to the concert is included in your registration, but non-registrants, friends and members of the public can purchase tickets online via Ticketmaster, or in person at the Ticketmaster Desk in the St James. Details here.
If you have questions about your registration, please email
If you have questions about the convention, please email
If you are looking for information about the New Zealand Young Singers in Harmony National contest please contact YSIH -
Copyright © 2024 BHNZ Convention